We have been blessed to enjoy some much-welcome company over the last two weekends. Gaelan and Courtney Frazier, some good friends of ours from college, came up to see us a couple of weekends ago and brought their 3 year old son, Matthew. We had a blast with them playing the Wii, eating out and just visiting. Hope had a mini birthday party the Saturday that we arrived and we all enjoyed pizza and a Curious George birthday cake. Hope is really into Curious George, Elmo, and now Disney movies. We try to limit her tv watching because she would watch it all day if she could. One of the gifts she got for her birthday is a water table. She is obsessed with it and could play with it all day long. She soaks herself from head to toe everytime she plays with it. 

We took Gaelan, Courtney and Matthew to a place in Sherman called the Splash Pad. It's just a little park where kids can run around and get wet. Matthew, Gaelan and Stephen seemed to enjoy it, but I'm not so sure Hope liked it much. We loved our time with the Fraziers. Thank you guys so much for coming up to visit! Here are some pics from that weekend...

How did you do that top pic with the red heart?!? I've always wanted to know how to do that!
Hey Suzann,
Actually I didn't do it, I had a friend do it as part of a Father's Day gift for Stephen. I need to post the whole project, it turned out beautifully. I have heard of a site that you can go to called picnik.com. My friend Courtney uses it all the time to edit pictures. It's supposed to be the best site out there. You should check it out. I'm not sure if it would be exactly what you want (you may have to purchase software for a more professional kind of thing), but it's pretty good from what I hear. I will post pics of Stephen's father's day gift when I get a chance. Hope y'all are doing well! Love ya!
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