Our Christmas was great and we are just now getting back into the swing of things.
My mom came to our house the day before Christmas Eve and we celebrated Christmas with her and my aunt and uncle on Christmas Eve. It was so fun to be able to be with family and to be able to celebrate at our own house. Usually we are traveling, so this was a nice change. On Christmas Day we woke up, did stockings and had breakfast. Then we all packed up and left to go celebrate Christmas in San Antonio with my dad. We got in at about 5:00 in the evening and just had a nice, fun time being together, opening presents, eating, etc. The Sunday after Christmas we were able to celebrate Stephen's dad's birthday. We all went out to eat and just had fun being together. We had a nice visit with everybody and came home on the 30th, just in time to celebrate New Year's Eve at our home, just me and Stephen and Hope. It was sad not to be able to be with family, but nice at the same time to have some time together. we built a fire and played MarioKart on the Wii all night. It was a blast and a really nice way to relax after all the craziness of the holidays! We are glad to be home now and back in our routine. Hope did so well through everything. She is really flexible when it comes to traveling, staying up late, napping late, etc. We did really miss our schedule though. Mom's Morning Off started up again last week, along with my classes. I am taking World Geography and Climatology this semester and am really looking forward to it. Stephen is busy as usual with church stuff, and when he isn't doing church stuff, he's busy doing something else. We just want to say we love you and miss you to all our friends and family out there. We praise the Lord for everything He has done this year and are looking forward to the awesome things we know He will be doing in 2009! Here are a few random pictures from Christmas and otherwise...
My uncle and aunt got to come celebrate Christmas with us. They live in Tulsa, so when we get to see them, it's a real treat! Here they are with Hope.
I know this is a really random picture, but look at Hobbes's eyes. Is that not creepy?! I just had to post it b/c I knew everybody would think that was so interesting... ;)
My daughter being her crazy self. Every time I get the camera out, she has to get as close to it as she can and start making funny faces. So I have a bunch of pictures that look like this if ever y'all are interested. ;)
Checking out her new book!
Posing with Mommy on Christmas Eve. She was really tired.
Sounds like you guys have been keeping busy in the New Year, but thank you for taking time to post about your holidays. We love y'all and it's always such a treat to hear what you're up to and see pics as well. :) Love ya!
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing them.
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