Well, it's been a week since my surgery. I am feeling pretty good except for being a little sore and tired from the anesthesia. My incisions are healing pretty well. Hope is now 6 weeks old and getting so big! She's got little fat rolls on her legs and little chubby cheeks. She is definitely filling out! She is really smiling at us now. I kind of was able to catch one on camera, which you can see below. Yesterday we hit a big milestone-she rolled over from her tummy to her back. She's only done it once, but we're so proud of her! Right now she is sleeping in her bouncy chair right next to me. She is kind of going through a crabby period lately, and does not seem to be happy when I am holdng her. I can only get her calmed down if she is sitting by herself in her carseat or her bouncy chair. She also does not want me to lay her down on a blanket on the floor to play. She just wants to sit and look around and do nothing. She's her mommy's girl! ;) We played her a Baby Einstein DVD today for the first time and she seemed really interested, so hopefully we can play them more for her. I guess that's it for now. Please enjoy the pics below. Sorry I haven't been posting much. Between my recovery and the baby, it's been hard to find the time. Hopefully things will get better soon. Love you all!
Tummy time!

smiling! (half-way)

posing for the camera
1 comment:
I can't decide who she looks like more, but she's ADORABLE!!
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