Well, fall has arrived and we've been busy. I know, I know, it's been forever since we posted. We are now pretty addicted to facebook, so we haven't been very good about keeping up with our blog. We have really enjoyed the last couple of months. Stephen's dad and mom came up at the beginning of September for Labor Day weekend. We enjoyed our usual dining, dominos, shopping and fun. It was Stephen's mom's birthday and it was great to celebrate it with her. Of course, we didn't get any photos. Some day we'll all remember to take some pics! Thanks mom and dad for coming to visit.
A few weeks later my mom came to visit and we got to go to the State Fair of Texas. We all had a blast, especially Hope.

Stephen and Hope got to carve their first pumpkin the other day. Stephen had never carved a pumpkin before, and Hope really enjoyed watching while making a mess with the pumpkin innards! She freaked out when we turned out the lights and lit the Jack-o-lantern.