Hope turned 3 months old on September 18th and is growing so fast! She is turning over from tummy to back pretty regularly now and once from back to tummy. She is also starting to grab at her toys. It is so funny to watch her talking to them and laughing to herself when she's playing. She is also loving to look at herself in the mirror. We sat her in an exersaucer yesterday in front of a mirror and she just giggled and talked to herself for about 20 minutes. It was hilarious! She is sleeping so well, doing about 9-10 hours straight at night and about 3-4 long naps during the day. I don't know her length or weight-will know that when we take her back to the pedi at 4 months. I know she's growing though because she's already out of most of her 0-3 onesies and some of the 3-6 month ones are tight on her! Not much else to report. Stephen led the music from the piano yesterday. It was so awesome to see him step out of his comfort zone and use those talents for God. He did so well and I know God was glorified through it. We are very proud of him! Just another example of how God shows Himself perfect in our weaknesses. Here are some recent pics of Hope.

what do I DO with this thing????

OH...I EAT it!
all clean!