Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Post much???

Okay, I know it's been like a month since I posted anything, but in my defense, we've been SOOO busy. Stephen and I have Christmas programs coming out our rears, so we haven't been home much. Add to that a little trip to San Antonio and you don't find much internet time in there. Anyway, we have gotten about half of our Christmas stuff at the church done. We still have a concert at the nursing home, caroling, a concert at Howe Memorial Park, a concert at the church, and a Christmas Eve service-not to mention just regular Sundays and Wednesdays. Keep us in your prayers. We love this time of year, but things can get so hectic and you end up taking your focus on the real Reason for all of this.

Anyway, other than all of the Christmas craziness (which I am sure that all of you are experiencing as well), we are doing pretty well. Hope is still growing like a weed. She's still just on the verge of sitting up, not quite there yet-maybe by Christmas. She is taking cereal twice a day now, and we are about to start veggies. It took her awhile to get the hang of it, but she is now LOVING it. She is SO big, not even 6 months yet, and already in 6-9 month stuff. I just can't believe it. We went down to San Antonio a couple of days last week with our Senior Adult group at church. It was really fun touring downtown San Antonio-we haven't done it in so long. Stephen and I enjoyed catching up on San Antonio's rich history. It's amazing how much you forget. Hope did really well. I've included a couple pics from our last couple of weeks. I WILL post more later, I promise. For now, enjoy the pics.

Stories before bed-time

Daddy and Hope

Monday, November 12, 2007

Hope gets her feet

(I know my titles are so unimaginative, but hey, they get the point across, right?) I showed Hope how to get her feet and she has been absolutely obsessed with it ever since. She thinks it's the greatest thing she has ever done. I have lots more of this type, but I'll only bore you with four. It's pretty much the same thing over and over.


For Halloween we went to the Fall Fest at our church. We didn't stay long because really there wasn't much for us to do except walk around and watch all the kids play. Hope was a pumpkin. She was cute, but did not tolerate it for very long. That's another reason why we left early. After that we just came home and handed out candy to the trick-or-treaters.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

First videos

Ok-I took some videos of Hope. The first one is of her playing with her music and the second is of her laughing. Please ignore my annoying voice and laugh. I know I sound like a valley-girl and I always have-that's not going to change, so just blow past it and watch Hope.

Here's the first one. It's like 4 minutes long, so don't get bored...

Here's the second one:

The Rice Cereal Extravaganza

Getting ready

Ummm...what the heck is THIS??!!

Ok...well, maybe I'll give it a try...

I've seen what you guys eat and THIS is NOT it!!!

All done...time to play with my zebra

Happy 4 month birthday, Hope!

I know, I know...I've gotta get to posting more. The days really just fly by though! I always think about posting but never seem to get around to it. We have been doing great. Hope turned 4 months old on October 18th. Her 4 month appointment was this past Friday. She is 15 pounds, 8 ounces-that's the 90th percentile for her weight! We definitely have a chunky baby! The doctor did say though that breastfed babies get really chunky and then kind of level off, so maybe she'll level off at some point! Also, she is 24 1/2 inches long-that makes her the 50th percentile for her height. Her head is in the 50th as well. So she is doing really well in her growth. She did get her 4 month shots on Friday, which she was none too pleased about. She screamed bloody murder for about 10 minutes until we finally got her to calm down. She has been fine though, no crying or fever or anything so far this weekend, so I think we're in the clear.

Everyday we are so amazed at how the Lord is growing our little girl. She wakes up full of smiles every morning, always talking up a storm. She loves to stand up (with us holding her of course), and is on the verge of being able to sit up on her own-just a few more weeks on that I think. She can grab at things now. She holds her toys in her little hands and tries to get them in her mouth. The biggest thing is that she has now mastered getting her hands in her mouth and keeping them there. There is ALWAYS something in her mouth, whether it's her hand, a toy, or a paci. She is doing a little bit of teething-no visible teeth yet that I can see, but her gums are a tiny bit swollen and she's always chewing on something, so I know she's working on it. We're still breastfeeding and have no intention of giving that up anytime soon now that we have finally mastered the art. We had some massive problems at the beginning, but we are doing better now. I figure God wouldn't have given me all that milk for nothing! We did try rice cereal this past week for the first time, but she ended up coughing, sputtering, and throwing most of it up, so I don't think she's quite ready. I don't seem to be lacking for milk anyway, so for the meantime we will just stick with the breastfeeding. Maybe at 5 months we'll try it again. She is still sleeping through the night really well and has transitioned to her crib-no more sleeping in her carseat at night. Hmm...I guess that's about it for now. Stephen and I are doing well, just getting ready for Christmas stuff at the church. It's the busiest time of year! I will post some pics and videos in another post. Love you all!

Monday, October 8, 2007

A Visit with Family

On Saturday Jennifer and Luis (my sister and her husband) came to visit. They were in town to watch the Texas/OU game with friends, so we went out to lunch together at Posados. It was really fun catching up with them and just visiting with family in general-we don't get to do it very often!

Picture Progression

Look how much our baby has grown!

Going home

One month

Two months

Three months

State Fair of Texas

We went to the State Fair of Texas a couple weekends ago with our friends Seth and Becca. They have a baby boy who is a month older than Hope. Both babies did really well, napping in their strollers and just looking around. By the end of the day though Hope was screaming her head off wanting to go home, so we left at about 6:00. It was really hot, but we had a lot of fun!
In the car on the way (It was an hour drive, so I amused myself by taking pictures!)
All six of us (as you can tell, the babies don't really care)

Monday, September 24, 2007

3 months old!

Hope turned 3 months old on September 18th and is growing so fast! She is turning over from tummy to back pretty regularly now and once from back to tummy. She is also starting to grab at her toys. It is so funny to watch her talking to them and laughing to herself when she's playing. She is also loving to look at herself in the mirror. We sat her in an exersaucer yesterday in front of a mirror and she just giggled and talked to herself for about 20 minutes. It was hilarious! She is sleeping so well, doing about 9-10 hours straight at night and about 3-4 long naps during the day. I don't know her length or weight-will know that when we take her back to the pedi at 4 months. I know she's growing though because she's already out of most of her 0-3 onesies and some of the 3-6 month ones are tight on her! Not much else to report. Stephen led the music from the piano yesterday. It was so awesome to see him step out of his comfort zone and use those talents for God. He did so well and I know God was glorified through it. We are very proud of him! Just another example of how God shows Himself perfect in our weaknesses. Here are some recent pics of Hope.

what do I DO with this thing????

OH...I EAT it!

all clean!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A visit with Grammy and Grandpa

Stephen's parents came in for Labor Day weekend. We had lots of fun eating out, shopping, and just hanging out together. Here are some pics.

Who ME???!!!

Grammy, Grandpa and Hope

Mommy, Daddy and Hope

Smiling at her foot (don't mind the drool)

Smiling at Daddy

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Hope is 2 months old!

Hope turned 2 months old on August 18th. I can't believe how fast the time is going! On Friday (Aug. 24) we took her to her 2 month appt. She is doing very well. She weighs 11 pounds, 9 ounces and is 22 1/2 inches long. She is in the 65th percentile for her weight and the 50th for her height. She's a little porker! She also got three shots, which we were definitely not looking forward to, but she took them rather well and quieted down right after she got them. She has been very sleepy since and a little feverish, but nothing out of the ordinary. Hope is becoming so much more alert. She loves to watch TV with her mommy and daddy and likes to stare up at the little toy animals hanging down from her swing. She also loves it when we give her a bath and could just stay in there all day just like her mommy! She has started to notice her hands and watches them move around. It's so cute! She also likes to get that fist in her mouth and just suck away! One more big milestone....she slept through the night! Wednesday night we fed her at 11:30 and she didn't wake up til 7:00! She has done that every night since! We are SO proud of her! I am certainly a lot less sleep deprived the last couple of days, so hopefully we are getting into some sort of routine! Anyway, I guess that's about it. Here are some pics for your enjoyment!

Looking at herself in the mirror

Watching TV in her bumbo

Looking at Daddy (Isn't the Pooh hat the cutest?!)

She pulled the Pooh hat down over her eyes.

(Guess she didn't really like it, but we thought it was cute!)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

More 8 week pics

Practicing to be a politician

Plotting her escape

Smiles! (She LOVES her swing)

She loves to stare at this picture!

Mom! PLEASE stop making me laugh!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

8 weeks old

Hey all! We took Hope to the dr today. Her 2 month appt is not until next Friday, but she has caught a cold, so I thought it best to take her in just to make sure she did not have an infection setting in. She didn't, thank the Lord, but does have a nasty cold. She is all stuffy and is coughing and sneezing up a storm (not to mention very cranky). The dr told us there is not much we can do besides the saline drops and snot sucker, which she DESPISES. Once we do the snot sucker, it's over for her. It sounds like we're killing her. She does not calm down easily at all either. But hopefully this will pass soon and all will be better. The good news is that just shy of 2 months (her 2 month birthday is Aug. 18), she weighs right at 11 pounds and is now in the 50th percentile for her size (up from the 10th percentile at 2 weeks). She's getting very chunky, so I guess we're doing something right! Anyway, not much else to tell. Stephen and I are doing fine-just trying to survive life with a new baby! I will post more after her 2 month appt, but for now enjoy the pics!

Smiling for the camera

Too tired to play

Swinging in her swing

What are YOU looking at?

Making a silly face